Home Citropeptna hipertenzija

Citropeptna hipertenzija

Citropten is a natural organic compound with the molecular formula C 11 H 10 O 4. It is found in the essential oils of citrus such as lime, lemon, and bergamot.

kako liječiti orvi za hipertenziju

PODELA HIPERTENZIJE PRIMARNA -ESENCIJALNA -30% genetski faktori 70% gojaznoat - mentalni stres /depresija -alkohol -cigarete -visok nivo kofeina -fizicka inaktivnost -hormonalni faktori -osptruktivna sllep apnea SEKUNDARNA -bubrezna -endokrina -neurolski poremecaji akutni stres.

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Who Can Take It. Serrapeptase is safe for most adults if taken orally for up to 4 weeks, but the long-term side effects are not clear yet. Pregnant women and women who breastfeed should avoid taking it because there aren’t yet any studies that can confirm whether it’s safe to use, even short-term.
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