Start Page Akademik Ramten A.A. Nenashev arterijska hipertenzija

Akademik Ramten A.A. Nenashev arterijska hipertenzija

kada je hipertenzija 2 stupnja

Prepoznavanje kvarova u prijenosnom sustavu upotrebom umjetnih neuronskih mreža (Artificial neural network approach for locating faults in power transmission system).From the point of view of statistics investigated injuries of the spine have perished in an accident in moving the cabin of a modern passenger car, equipped with modern means of individual safety (seat belts and airbags for the driver and front passenger seat) - 85 drivers, 55 passengers front seat, back seat passengers: 15 left, 18 in the center and 14 on the right.The 3rd LSEE Research Network Conference on Social Cohesion in SEE is organised jointly with the 6th Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia: Central Banking under Prolonged Global Uncertainty: The Latest Lessons while Searching for the “New Normal”. For more information, visit the NBRM website.

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